Headed South for Christmas

A comedic family film that follows MACKENZIE, an angst-ridden 14 year old girl (Abby Corrigan) whose mother died during childbirth. Mackenzie and her...

Starring: Abigale Corrigan, David Garrett, Luke Westerfield, Mandi Christine Kerr, Kate Caldwell, Slade Curtis, Anita Gipson, Sammy Harley, Ryan Norton, Kailey Knight, Katie Rose McCroskey, Reid Meadows, Matt Reid, Stella Smith, Hannah Westerfield
Genre: Comedy
Countries: USA
Directors: Travis Breedlove
Release Date: December 06, 2013
Runtime: 64 min
IMDb Rating: Headed South for Christmas (2013) on IMDb

2.50/5 - (10 Votes)

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