Movie 43

A series of interconnected short films follows a washed-up producer as he pitches hilarious and insane story lines featuring some of the biggest...

Starring: Aasif Mandvi, Adam Cagley, Anna Faris, Beth Littleford, Bobby Cannavale, Chris Pratt, Christopher Kirby, Christopher Mintz-Plasse, Elizabeth Banks, Emma Stone, Gerard Butler, Halle Berry, Hash Patel, Hugh Jackman, Jack McBrayer, Jason Sudeikis, Jimmy Bennett, Johnny Knoxville, Josh Duhamel, Julie Ann Emery, Julie Claire, Justin Long, Kate Bosworth, Kate
Genre: Comedy
Countries: USA
Directors: Bob Odenkirk, Elizabeth Banks
Release Date: January 01, 2013
Runtime: 90 min
IMDb Rating: Movie 43 (2013) on IMDb

2.90/5 - (2008 Votes)

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